Trying to understand the situation that the cambodians are going through, is a needed step for finding the solution to their actual situation. By doing so, I coudnt help finding certain similarities with some barbarities made in the past, not so far from us. Cambodians are been pushed away from their houses and pushed to this "relocations sites". Their rights, if they ever had some, are as good as none. And the only jobs available for them, only gives them he chance of living another day. No place for dreaming. No place for tomorrow. Leaving the obvious differences aside, the situation is not so different as the one lived on the ghettos in the WW2. With this, I dont want to make any political resamblance between the two study cases, but just using one, as an example of how helping the others. Back in the ghettos, the only possibility to get a chance was working in some industry, that not only gave them the economic compensation, but made them part of a community. Gave them hope, and something to dream for. Thats missing on the cambodian life. Something to fight for: Future perspectives, ambitions, hopes and dreams.
Thats the main problem with NGO´s. By giving them just resources, they make stronger the mindstate in wich they are drawning, making them careless about future times. They are unable to break the mindwall, that is keeping them away of creating further perspective. Instead of resources they should create collective workplaces (as small factories, and bussineses) that not only gave them economic solveance, but the opportunity to see a future, from the hand of stability. Something that keeps them together, and creates a bigger community, allowing them to lean on each other. Something that they can feel part from. A life.
J.J. Vila
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